Welcome, I'm so glad you're here.

Helping Twin Moms get out of survival mode and rediscover their joy

Let's stop counting down the hours until bedtime and start embracing each moment with our twins. Rather than waiting for it to get easier, we can focus on increasing our ability to navigate the chaos so we can find joy in the present. Together, we can build your resilience so you can truly enjoy this season of life, instead of just wishing it away.

About Me

Hey there, I'm Kristen.

I know firsthand the relentless grind of survival mode as a twin mom—the exhaustion, the constant overwhelm, and the feeling like you're just getting by, instead of truly enjoying your twins. I’ve been there. Here's the thing, it doesn’t have to be that way.

With a background in maternal and early childhood mental health, combined with my personal journey as a twin mom who’s been deep in survival mode, I’m here to help you finally enjoy your twins and your life.

If you’re feeling stuck desperately getting through the day and not enjoying your twins, this is your invitation to rediscover your confidence and capacity to handle the chaos.

Raising twins is the hardest thing I've ever done, and I've learned we can't do it alone. Let’s break free from survival mode and start enjoying life again—because you deserve it, and so do your twins.

Twin Mom+

Twin Mom Coach

My story

Survival Mode and the Mental Load of Twins Consumed Me

Of course, you know how life with twins goes - full of surprises. In January 2020, at my 20-week anatomy scan, we got the news that we were actually having twins. Turns out, hidden twins are still a thing! Now I was in a crash course of figuring out a mono-di pregnancy and how to be a twin mom. Thankfully, my boys were born healthy in April 2020.

It was the beginning of the pandemic and there were so many unknowns. Everything was shut down and I was unable to find a twin mom community for support. I was overwhelmed with the mental load of twins, trying to parent 3 boys 3 and under, sleep deprived, and I was constantly stressed. I was anxious, constantly feeling that I was failing my boys, I was doing it all wrong, and I was going to mess them up. I just kept trying to do everything perfectly, took care of myself less, until there was nothing left. I was stuck deep in survival mode, just focused on getting through each day. I was snappy, irritable, impatient, overwhelmed constantly, worried, and struggling each day.

Slowly, and with support, I began to understand my nervous system and why I was so overwhelmed all the time and I began to connect with the reasons why I was stuck in survival mode. In the heart of my own journey as a twin mom, I needed someone who got it to guide me, to help me, and to support this journey. Instead, I did it myself and that journey sparked a desire in me to talk about our experiences as twin moms, provide resources and support, and foster a community that celebrates the unique challenges and joys of this journey. It's my passion to guide and empower twin moms to rediscover their joy in being a twin mom.

Life with twins is chaotic and beautiful. But the chaos, made worse by survival mode and the mental load of twins, steals our joy forcing us to survive the chaos of twins. It doesn't have to be this way, I help twin moms repair their emotional regulation and build the structure needed to increase our capacity to handle the chaos of twins so we can actually enjoy it.

What I offer

Our Services

Supporting Twin Moms in reconnecting with their resilience and joy.

Online Program

The Twin Mom Method is a 12 week program that
helps twin moms get out of survival mode, repair their emotional regulation, and in crease their capacity to handle the chaos of twins so they can enjoy their twins and their lives. Book a free mentorship call to learn more and see if you qualify.

Accountability & Community Support

Being a twin mom is the hardest thing many of us have done and many of us are doing it alone. Our community within the Twin Mom Method provides connection with twin moms who get it. Our community is a space for you to build community and navigate life with twins.

Want More Help to Get Out of Survival Mode?

In the MORE THAN Survival Guide you'll receive practical support and strategies to help you begin to get out of survival mode so you can enjoy your life and your twins again.


Watch My On-Demand Masterclass to Learn More

Masterclass for Twin Moms: Getting Out of Survival Mode When Nothing Else Works

You’ve probably heard it all before—the well-meaning advice like “just survive the first few years” or “it will get easier when they're older.”

But here's the thing: it doesn’t have to be that way. In this masterclass, we’ll cover the method that will help you get unstuck from survival mode and experience life with your twins that you know you cand handle and enjoy.

Does this sound like you?

✨You’ve tried all the tips, hacks, and tricks to make life better, but nothing seems to stick.

✨You constantly feel like you’re running on empty, wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again.

✨You feel guilty for missing out on enjoying your twins because the chaos is all-consuming.

If so, this masterclass is for you.

By the end of our Masterclass, you’ll walk away with clear, actionable steps so you can finally start enjoying life with your twins—without feeling like you’re just barely making it through each day.

You’ll finally know:

✨What's keeping you stuck in survival mode

✨Why the typical parenting advice and strategies are less than helpful for twin moms who are stuck in survival mode

✨What path you need to take to get out of survival mode and start enjoying your life, even in the chaos.

1 hour

Why Choose Us

Empowering Twin Moms

Experienced Twin Mom

As a Mom of identical twin boys, I get it. I understand and am living the unique challenges that twin moms face that cause us to just survive the chaos of twins.

Trained in Maternal Mental Health

My background and training in maternal mental health allows me to effectively support twin moms to ease overwhelm and anxiety and reconnect with their joy.

Trained in Early Childhood Mental Health

I use my background and training in early childhood mental health to help twin moms navigate the inherent difficulties of parenting twins.

Office: 4231 Balboa Ave, #1454 San Diego, CA 92117


Harmony in Multiples, LLC

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